Year 5
In Year 5 our topics are:-
Reaching Out
Country File
Tomb Detectives
Year 5 Superstars!
Year 5 - School Trip to Arena 7 in Letterkenny!
The Easter Bunny came to Edwards..
Country File
Year 5 have been learning all about Country File. They have designed their own farms.
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Year 5
Reaching Out
We are learning all about bridges, thinking about things like:- what they are used for, how they are built and where they are in the world...
Have a look at some of our amazing bridges...
Castlederg High School - Wizard of Oz
We really enjoyed our visit to Castlederg High School to see the Wizard of Oz. It was fantastic!
Measuring fun!
We have been finding out who is the tallest and shortest in our class, we also looked at who had the longest arms and legs.
Christmas Craft
Christmas Dinner
Santa Run
Santa Claus is coming to Edwards.....
We had a very exciting visit from Santa this morning when he arrived by helicopter.
Verse Speaking Competition
Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in the verse speaking competition. Everyone performed their poems extremely well for Rois from Much Ado Stage School, she was very impressed by the high standards in the class.