Year 1

During the school year we will be exploring, having fun and learning through a wide range of topics:

Our Colourful World

When We Go Down To The Woods

Fabulous Fashion

On the Move

Jack and the Beanstalk

Under the Deep Blue Sea

Let's introduce all the Year 1's ....

Look at us as cute as could be...smiles all round for you and me! 

Can you see me with all my friends?

Look at our lovely paintings .....we are a colourful bunch! 

We are listening to lots of different rhymes all about colour - we hope you like our flock of Baa,Baa, Black Sheep

We are listening to lots of stories about colours. One of our class favourites is 'The Rainbow Fish'. Can you tell us all about it?

Rainbow Fish Story link

Look at all our colourful fishy activities

We heard about Noah and how he built a huge ark to help God keep all the animals safe in the flood

Another of our topic stories was Elmer the colourful patchwork elephant.

He was certainty colourful ...... but he could make a lot of noise too! 

Brown Bear,Brown Bear, what do you see? .....lots of children as good as can be! 

We love to write ...such busy bees!

We had a great day out in Gortin Forest Park. It was a loooong walk looking for clues to find the Gruffalo and all his forest friends. 

We saw beautiful autumn leaves, very tall trees, a river , a squirrel's drey ....not to mention a real scampering squirrel! We collected cones for the squirrels to eat and built a house for the hedgehog to hibernate in, What an action packed adventure! 

The deer came out to say hello to us all too.

Daddy stag had huge strong antlers!

All that fresh air and exercise made us very hungry! 

The play park was lots of fun too! 

Samantha told us all about keeping our teeth healthy .

She told us to brush morning and night for 2 minutes.

She advised us not to eat too much sugar and keep a healthy diet! 

We all got a new toothbrush and toothpaste to help us brush our teeth...thanks!

As part of our DOWN IN THE WOODS topic we are finding out more about the Gruffalo and all his woodland friends

A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood. A fox saw the mouse, and the mouse looked good. "Where are you going to, little brown mouse?........look who they met along the way...


We enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner made by Agnes and all her team......Yummy! 

Christmas crafts and fun activities


Nativity - Class of Year 1 - December 2023

All the pupils worked so hard to polish their stage performance.

They told the story of the First Christmas in Bethlehem.

Let's meet the cast..

Superstars....each and every one! Such a great performance! Well done to all! 

Thanks to Bridget , Dan & the Donkeys for making a guest apprearance. Maisie and Joey stopped to visit on their way to Bethehem! 

We enjoyed running laps of the school for our Santa fun run today. Well done to all the super sprinters in speedy Year 1...Santa will need a supersonic sleigh to keep up with you all.

WOW!! Guess how Santa arrived at Edwards PS a big helicopter!  How exciting for everyone. Santa was so kind, he stayed in school all morning handing out gifts and chatting to us all. Thanks so much Santa...we will look out for you on Christmas Eve! 

We drew Santa in his helicopter.....look at some of our art work!


Congratulations everyone for saying 'The Cat with a Smile' poem today for our Verse Speaking competition. Rois was delighted with all our performances and loved the smiles and story telling voices. Such superstars! 

Special congratulations to our medal winners.

3rd place - Reyna,Amber, Amelia and Lucy

2nd place - Sam R, Joshua C and Robin

1st place - Sam E, Caoife and Elise

Our topic is Fabulous Fashion and we are learning lots of stories, designing outfits and discovering facts about fabric.

We were scientists in class today and carried out a test experiment to see what materials were waterproof. We had to predict and we recorded our results. 

A huge well done everyone for such a great Kindness Assembly.

We told our families about the story of the Good Samaritan and thought of different ways we can be kind to other.

Our 'ON THE MOVE' topic will encourage us to explore lots of different types of transport, their purpose and how they move.

Our bodies were 'On the Move' in PE


Rois played lots of interactive games with us....shhhh don't wake granny!! 

Joanne taught us some HIP HOP moves! 

The ULSTER SCOTS tutors taught us about Highland Dancing, Drumming and how to play the bagpipes.

We got very creative with junk .....such a great display of fabulous recycled transport themed models made by our very talented year 1 gang! Lots of boxes, bottles, wood, cardboard..... cut and stuck into some super designs! Brilliant engineering everyone! 

Ronan taught us all about beats with his African drums.

Claudia Buckley came to school to sing some country songs to us! She sang lots of songs and we all joined in. Thanks Claudia! 

To finish off our week of acting, listening, dancing, making, learning...... we are displaying our 'On the Move' art work at our 'Art of the Extraordinary' gallery exhibition. Take a look at our beautiful creative canvas masterpieces!

They all started with a footprint but look where our imagination took them!

*  World Book Day  *

We had lots of fun in Year 1 talking about our favourite books, reading with Year 6, doing book keep fit, making a 'Cat in A Hat' craft and going to the school library.....snuggle up tonight with a good book! 

Thanks everyone for all your help in making our outdoor book gallery such a huge success. They all look great...come and have a look at all the books!

As part of our 'On the Move' transport topic we had special visitors today! 

We looked at the police vehicle, we heard its siren, we saw its flashing lights .........and even got to sit inside it! 

They told us how important it is to wear our seatbelts on every journey.

Guess who popped in to say 'Hello' to us today?

The Easter Bunny shared lots of treats with us.....we were trying to draw him. He is so cute!

Happy Hoppy Easter to all our Year 1 pupils and families

Our topic for the start of the summer term is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We are having fun learning all about Jack’s adventures to market and up the beanstalk. 

We are learning all about planting and how to care for things that are growing.

Such green fingered gardeners in Year 1 ........ look at our beanstalks! I wonder if they will grow tall enough to climb up? 

We have been painting big giants and designing and printing castle pictures. We used a range of techniques - computer art, stamping, chalk art, mono-printing, block printing and drawing.    They look great! 

Sports Day 2024

Wow such speedy runners and a great team of Year 1 pupils!

Everyone had a great day and did a great job....super sprinting....beanbag balancing and ball rolling! Excellent effort everyone! 

We all deserved an ice-cream treat! Yummy!

We have been exploring life in our 'Under the Deep Blue Sea' topic...It has been fun listening to stories and learning facts about some sea creatures.

We went on a trip to Tropical World at Alcorns in Letterkenny. What a great day out and such a lot of different animals we met....some brave boys and girls even got to touch a bearded dragon in the reptile!! 

Let's go for a walk on the wild side and see what else we discovered..........

We loved looking at all the colourful butterflies in the tropical was so warm inside but the butterflies loved it and they enjoyed the juicy oranges too! 

All the walking and fresh air made us all very hungry! 

We finished off our trip with a play in the park area...we all had a great time and some even had a wee snooze on the bus.