Wise Owls
At Edwards we encourage the children to develop a caring and helpful attitude through taking part in our Wise Owl programme. The Wise Owl programme is open to Year 7 pupils in the second term of Year 7. Wise Owl application forms are distributed to all Year 7 pupils and the pupils who wish to be considered for this role complete the form and return to the Year 7 teacher.
The Wise Owl programme is very popular as it allows the pupils an opportunity to experience duties and responsibilities within their school community. It also gives the pupils opportunity to lead by example and demonstrate this by the example they set to younger children.
The role of the Wise Owl is prestigious and to mark this achievement each pupil that is appointed receives a certificate and golden Wise Owl badge which they wear on their uniform each day. In addition to this their photograph is displayed on the Wise Owl board and we hold a special assembly to introduce the Wise Owls to the whole school. This helps introduce them to the younger children as they can then identify them if they require any help within school.
Year 7 Wise Owls