Mr Lecky

Our topics this year are:


Reaching Out

Country File

Tomb Raiders

Meet Mr Lecky's Wonderful Class

Santa came to visit us in school this week. Merry Christmas everyone.

As part of our topic “reaching out”, we have been building our own bridges and testing them out with weights. 

Fire Safety Talk

We recently had Elaine from the Fire Service NI in school to talk to us about fire safety. Year 5 really enjoyed this talk and asked loads of questions.

As part of our class novel Hodgeheg, we have been busy learning all about road safety. We recently enjoyed a road safety walk around Castlederg.

Santa came to visit us at Edwards Primary School.

We have been working hard in ICT learning how to use code to work the Microbits.

This term in PE we have been working on our gymnastics skills.

Year 5 have successfully 8 weeks of swimming lessons. A big well done to all of the boys and girls on all their hard work !