Year 5 Learning from Home


Good Morning Year 5,

It was lovely to see most of you on Friday, Miss Allen, Miss Hemphill and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your lovely cards, gifts and well wishes xx

I loved everyday of being your teacher in Year 5, I am sad our time was cut short!  Thank you to  each and everyone of you for all your hard work over lockdown! I just loved opening my emails and seeing your hard work and beautiful photos.  Parents thank you for all your help and support at this time.

I hope you all have a super summer and see you in September.

See some of our memories below and some pictures of you over lockdown.  

We also want to wish some of you a super birthday in July and August.



Lily S





Have an amazing summer!

Take care from Miss Baxter, Miss Allen and Miss Hemphill xx

Over the summer why not read some lovely books - you can have free access to a wide range on myon.  Use the link below and login details to access the books.

Go to and enter your login information:

  1.          a. School Name: Edwards Primary School
             (type the first few letters and select from the drop-down menu)
             b. Username: edwards981student
             c. Password: read
  2. Click on the Sign In button, select a book, and start reading!

Image result for Looking Forward to Seeing You Clip Art

Good Morning Year 5, I am really looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.  Just a little reminder for you all to send me your favourite memories activity and your WAU evaluation.  I hope you are all well.

Miss Baxter xx

On Friday you are all invited to come to school to collect all your books, art work and any other belongings, please return all school books in a labelled plastic bag.  I will have boxes for you to place them into.  Weather permitting this will be in the Key Stage 2 playground.

9.30 - 10.30 - Family surnames starting with the letters A to I.

10.30 - 11.30 - Family surnames starting with the letters J to R.

11.30 - 12.30 - Family surnames starting with the letters S to Z.


Could you please also return your mental maths book in addition to the other books I previously listed.

Good Morning Year 5, can you believe we have nearly finished this school term.  It definitely isn't how we expected Year 5 to end, nonetheless, I am so proud of each and everyone of you.  I am sure you have all completed your work every week.  Thank you to the parents and pupils who sent me work and photos I just loved seeing these. 

This week I am asking you to complete two activities to send to me, if you send me your end of year activity sheet (or a page designed by yourself) by Friday, I will upload these for everyone to see next Monday.   The rest are just for fun, feel free to complete these anytime or even over the summer. 

Miss Allen, Miss Hemphill and I look forward to seeing you all on Friday morning, hopefully the weather will be nice.

Take care Year 5 and remember...

Miss Baxter xx

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Libraries NI is delighted to announce details of ‘Silly Squad’, Summer Reading Challenge 2020 produced by The Reading Agency and delivered by libraries which will take place from Monday 15 June.

 The Silly Squad, Summer Reading Challenge, is a free, exciting way to keep young people aged 4 - 11 years reading during the summer months.

Silly Squad is a celebration of funny books, happiness and laughter. This year the Challenge will be delivered through a fun, immersive and safe online platform. The aim is to encourage children to challenge themselves to read any number of books which makes them happy, in digital or print format, an eBook borrowed from the Libraries NI online catalogue or books they already have at home.  

 Throughout the summer there will be online activities, videos, quizzes, games and rewards to unlock along the way. Every child who completes their own Challenge will receive a downloadable certificate.

Happy Reading everyone!

Holiday Bible Club

Unfortunately this year our local churches wont be able to hold the annual Holiday Bible Club in the traditional way.  Why not attend online, this week CEF have a 5 day club on YouTube.

CEF website link.

YouTube link.


Callum and Evan we hope you have a fantastic birthday this week!!

Good Morning Year 5,

I hope you are all well, have a good week and enjoy your Virtual Trips!

Miss Baxter xx

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Virtual Trips

Egyptian Pyramids



Reminder - it's the Healthy Kidz Sports Day this Saturday 13th June 2020.  

Focus on your best 5 activities and practice them for Saturday's big day.  Continue to record your activities to maintain your streak.  Good luck!

Hi Year 5,

See two competitions below that you might be interested in entering.  One about how you have been feeling during lockdown and one to design a mascot for the Ulster Hockey team.  Enjoy!

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Good Morning Year 5, find your work below for the week ahead, have fun and enjoy your Literacy challenge this week!

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Good morning Year 5, I hope you have all been working hard and also enjoying playing outside in the sunshine.  Find your 'Wednesday Fun' activities below. 

Katherine has been working hard on the farm, I am sure you and your sisters were a great help and had lots of fun.  I am looking forward to seeing what the rest of you have been doing this week!


Today we want to wish Richard a very Happy Birthday for Sunday. 

Have a lovely day!

Parent folder
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Good Morning Year 5,

Can you believe today is the 1st of June, it seems so long since we have all been together in school but yet the weeks go by so quickly!  I hope you are all well, completing some of your activities and having lots of fun outside in the beautiful sunshine.  Talk to you all on Wednesday.  Remember to send me some of your lovely work.


Parent folder
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See the source image

Wow!  Year 5 you have all been very busy!!  Excellent work, keep it up I am so proud of you all.  Have a look and see how hard your friends are working and how busy they all are with their school work.  Maybe you would like to send me some pictures and then I can put yours up as well.  You might see a little message below from Miss Allen, Miss Hemphill and I, you can see some of the things we have been doing during lockdown.

Hello Year 5, I hope your all well, some of you might enjoy a day off today and some of you might save it for another day in the week. 

Find your work for the week below.

BBC Bitesize money help video 1 and help video 2.

BBC Bitesize Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg.

On Tuesday check back to see what lovely photos I have received this week and you never know there might be a surprise for you all!

Have fun Year 5 xx

Parent folder
 Tutankhamun Comprehension.pdfDownload
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Good Morning Year 5, I can't believe it's Wednesday again!  Find your 'Fun Wednesday' work below.

Here is a YouTube video to help with your art.

On Monday 25th May 2020 we have a day off school, I will upload your work as normal and then you can do it whatever days suit your family next week.          

Miss Foster gave me the list of who has registered for Sports Day, well done, keep up all your practicing! 

A huge well done to Katherine, Ben, Nicole, Richard, Henry and Evan for earning lots of points.

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Good Morning Year 5, I hope you all are doing well, find all your work below. 

Have you registered for Sports Day?? 

***Healthy Kidz Virtual Sports Day - the deadline has been extended for signing up, you have got until 6pm today, Monday 18th May 2020.  Go to and register your interest.  It is great to see lots of you signed up and earning points already. Remember to get a 20 day streak to be in with a chance of winning prizes.  For more information go to the 'Learning from Home' tab under 'Learning from Home Activities' or email  Follow 'Healthy Kidz' on Facebook for training tips.

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BBC Bitesize - WAU - Tutankhamun

                     - Reading - The Worst Witch


Good morning Year 5, some more 'fun' activities for you all.  Enjoy!

Ancient Egypt Boat Art - YouTube video.

Websites -

Ancient Egypt Boats

Ancient Egyptian Boats and Transportation


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Year 5 you are all superstars and I am so proud of all of you, keep sending me your work and photos and I can upload them for all your friends to see how AMAZING you all are!!

I have uploaded your NHS/Key worker medals, the beautiful stories and letters you wrote to me and a variety of other pictures, enjoy looking at them all xx

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Good Morning Year 5, this week we will continue learning time, suffixes and will revise connectives.  All your work is in the folder below.  I have uploaded a few websites to help you learn some more interesting facts about 'Ancient Egypt'!


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Happy Birthday to Nicole this week, we hope you have a lovely day at home with your family! From Miss Baxter, Miss Allen, Miss Hemphill and all your friends in Year 5 xx

REMEMBER - register on for the Healthy Kidz Virtual Sports Day by 6pm today.  You will receive your login details via email (inbox or junk mail).  Get started practising and earning points for Edwards PS. Join pupils Lily (Y7), Lauren (Y6), Adam (Y1), Masyn (Y2), Katherine (Y5) and Bella (Y2) on the Edwards leaderboard.  More information can be found in the 'Learning from Home' tab under 'Learning from Home Activities' or email


Good Morning Year 5, I hope your getting on ok with your work this week.  Don't forget to email me some.

Find your 'Wednesday Fun' activities below. 

Miss Hemphill has gave you a yummy recipe to try this week.


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Good Morning Year 5,

Hard to believe we are now in the month of May! 

As always find your work in the folder below.

I have included VE Day activities - if you can't print these please don't worry, read the information to learn the facts and design your medal.

I look forward to reading your stories and seeing your medals this week. Please email them to me and any other photos you would like me to see!

Have a great week Year 5 and I will be in touch again on Wednesday for 'fun day'!

Love From

Miss Baxter xx

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Image result for Happy Children Clip Art

Hello Year 5, find your 'Wednesday Fun' activities below, instead of our 'Friday Fun Day' it can now be a Wednesday!

Image result for Mickey Mouse Clip Art Cooking                               

Parent folder
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Good Morning Year 5, another week of home schooling, strange I know!!  Please find your work below.  Love From Miss Baxter xx

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Image result for Internet Link Clip Art

What are Suffixes?  Speech Marks?  Here are some BBC Bitesize videos to help you.


Speech Marks

Supermovers Speech Marks/inverted commas.


Challenge your brain with a maths challenge.  Click the link below.

Maths Challenge!


 Why not have a look at this video all about maps, it will help you with your WAU. 

An introduction to maps.

What was life like in Ancient Egypt - have a look at the BBC Bitesize page.



Moses YouTube video click here.

Great Work Smiley-Face

Happy Birthday.... 

Maisie L, Maisie S and Jonathan! 

You have celebrated your birthday since we have been off school.  I hope you had a great day! 

Jake have a lovely birthday this week.

Now that home learning has commenced online here is my c2k email address

In the unprecedented circumstances we face, unfortunately we will not be able to mark all set work and give pupil feedback that normally occurs in the life of a classroom.  Only work requested by the teacher will be required to be forwarded via the teacher school e-mail address.  If you do not wish or it does not suit you to send work, there is no obligation to do so.

Hello Everyone....  Find some new fun activities below.

Miss Baxter xxx


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What about having some Go Noodle fun....

Good Morning Year 5...

Please find below your school work for the week and a letter explaining what to do.  Try and complete as much as you can everyday.

Love from Miss Baxter xx

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'Round The Clock' video clips - click link below to access website.

Round The Clock

'Super Movers' Suffixes video clip - click link below to access website.

Super Movers Suffixes

BBC Bitesize - 'Ancient Egypt' - click link below to access website.

BBC Bitesize - Ancient Egypt

Hello Year 5,

I hope you and your family are all well, I am missing you all a lot and look forward to seeing you all again. I am sure you have found the past few weeks very different to our normal daily routine, so have I! However, like me I am sure you are finding lots of fun activities to keep you busy and not too much computer time I hope! Please remember to stay safe online and have all your Apps set to private!

We are due to get our Easter Holidays now on Wednesday, so then you can take a little break from your school work. I hope you have been completing at least one literacy and one numeracy activity per day. In your pack you should still have over a week’s work left, after Easter I will update the website on a Monday and Wednesday setting you new work for the week and some fun activities.

I have prepared you some Easter activities including colouring, activity pages, The Easter story – you could maybe make a comic strip, a nature scavenger hunt and a bird scavenger hunt – when I have been out on my daily walk I have enjoyed spotting birds and listening to them, this always reminds me of you all! I have also included a Covid 19 Time Capsule booklet – I thought this would be a good way of recording your memories of this time, in the future we will look back at these strange days as a moment in history. You could have your own little history book to show your family and friends. And finally I have also uploaded some Thank you colouring pages for all those Key Workers who are working extremely hard to look after the sick, provide us with food, empty our bins… The list could go on but we thank them all for everything they are doing for each and everyone of us!

Please stay safe Year 5, wash your hands and enjoy eating your Easter Eggs!!

Love From

Miss Baxter xx

Miss Allen and Miss Hemphill are also missing you all very much and wanted me to say a big hello from them! Have a lovely Easter xx

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